Tidewater Roofing

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Tidewater Roofing

Hampton Chevrolet

Auto dealerships have a lot to lose if onsite remodeling projects interfere with daily business or endanger their high-dollar merchandise.

Such was the case with Southeastern Virginia based Hampton Chevrolet, who was in the process of adding on to its show-room and office space, and required a roofer to finish the additions. At the same time, roof coatings were desperately needed for its existing flat roof.
Upon investigating a number of local roof-ing contractors, Hampton Chevrolet chose Tidewater Roofing due to its decades of experience, superb track record and mil-lions of dollars in insurance coverage.

Tidewater Roofing began “Phase I” of the project by installing a Versico® .045 rein-forced EPDM mechanically attached roof system to the new construction. Included, were new drip edge and rake edge metals from 24-gauge pre-finished steel, as well as customized PVC roof drains. The work was then finalized with 6” k-style gutters and oversized downspouts. “Phase II” followed shortly after, with a thorough power-wash of the existing flat roof.

Garna-Prime™ coating was applied to prepare the membrane for resurfacing, and two-way moisture vents were installed to allow for the venting of any trapped mois-ture. The entire roof surface was then sprayed with a RMI® Garna-Flex™ liquid rubber, designed to molecularly bond and conform to the existing surface. Finally, the totally sealed, new roof received a layer of RMI® Radiant Barrier Garna-Thane™ to increase its solar reflectivity by up to 87% and optimize energy efficiency.

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Project Specifications


Large Re-Roof with Dealership Operation Sensitivity & Extra Protection Requirements

Property Owner

Hampton Motor Coroporation

Hiring Contractor

Mr. Lewis Latham
Maintenance Manager


Hampton, Virginia

Roof Area

42,400 Square Feet


Verisco® .045 Reinforced EPDM Flat Roofing Membrane, RMI® Commercial Coatings, 6” Gutter Systems

Dollar Value
