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7 Signs Your Shingles Are Nearing the End of Their Life


Nothing can really beat a good, sturdy roof.  It’s your first line of defense from everything that mother nature can throw at your home, so it...

Posted by Emmit | September 20, 2019

Nothing can really beat a good, sturdy roof.  It’s your first line of defense from everything that mother nature can throw at your home, so it’s important you take the time to maintain them. Leaky or damaged shingles can lead to more headaches down the road and end up costing you a fortune in the long run. But when do you know it’s time to switch out your old shingles for new ones? This guide will help you detect some of the early signs of old shingles before it’s too late.

1. The Age of Your Shingles

Shingles have a life-span between 20 to 30 years if they have been properly taken care of. If not, the life-span can drop drastically to 10 to 15 years. As a rule of thumb, it’s recommended your shingles are replaced every 25 years. If you don’t know your home’s age or the age of your shingles, look at your neighborhood and see if the roofing is being replaced in your area.

2. Bald Spots & Loose Granules

The sun is a constant force your on your roof, and the solid granules stuck to your shingles are the first line of defense. However, if your shingles are starting to grow bald patches or if granules are showing up in your gutter, it’s time to replace your shingles. Balding shingles can lead to the asphalt drying up and cracking, which can cause leaks and other problems inside your home.

3. Damage Inside Your Roof or Attic

If there are holes in your shingles, it’s definitely time to replace them. Leaving holes open in your roof will make your home vulnerable to water, dirt, snow, and whatever else the world can throw at it. Check your ceilings for signs of water damage and listen closely for drafts. The sooner you can detect a hole in your roof, the faster you can get it fixed.

4. Your Shingles are Curling, Bulging, or Cracking

Shingles curling, bulging, or cracking are the first signs your roofing is due for replacement. Leaving them up for too long can lead to leaks inside your home.  If there are only a couple spots with this problem, you can get away with replacing some of the individual shingles. But if the problem is spread across your roof, it’s best to get your roof fully reshingled. 

5. Protruding Nails

Even though the shingles themselves might be fine, nails popping out are not. Loose or protruding nails can lead to further damage to your home because the shingles could rattle away in the wind, possibly flying off entirely.  Keep an eye out for uneven patches on your roof and take a look inside your gutters for loose nails. This issue can be an easy fix, like hammering-in replacement nails, but it can also be an early warning sign of decaying shingles.

6. Dark Streaks & Moss

Dark streaks and moss growing on your roof are not uncommon. However, the way you deal with this issue that might shorten the lifespan of your shingles. Power washing or scraping the shingles yourself can damage the granules, leaving the asphalt exposed to the environment. Before going up there and throwing a little elbow grease at it, consider speaking to a professional.

7. Your Heating and Cooling Bill is Going Up

If you are finding yourself dialing your thermostat higher and higher, you might need to take a look at your roof. Holes and damage to your shingles can be tough to spot but will lead to huge problems if not dealt with immediately. What might start off as just a couple chilly nights might end with a truckload of expensive repairs.

Stay Proactive to Save Your Roof

Your shingles are your first line of defense against the elements, and taking care of them could mean the difference between having a roof or not. If you’re unsure it’s time to replace your shingles, talk to a professional and get them done right.

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